Present tense in Arabic

Verb conjugation for Arabic appears complicated at first, and yet it is quite simple if you remember this cardinal rule: the subject, the actor of the verb's action, is part of the conjugated verb. Because of this, most of the time the subject pronouns are omitted in verb sentences. They are simply unnecessary because the Arabic verb contains all the information about the subject.

The process of conjugating a verb in Arabic is simple:

1) identify the tense you are conjugating for
2) determine who the subject is
3) add the proper suffix/prefix combination to the base verb

Using the base verb كَتَبَ meaning "to write" as a base verb, the following charts illustrate how it is conjugated in the Present Tense for all of the different Subject Pronouns.

The subject pronouns are categorized by number (Singular, Dual, Plural) like they have been presented previously and they include all the possible conjugations for this verb in the present tense.

English Pronoun Transcription Conjugated Arabic
Arabic Pronoun
I aktubu أكْتُبُ أنا
You (masc.) taktubu تكْتُبُ أنتَ
You (fem.) taktubiinaَ تكْتُبين أنتِ
He or It yaktubu يكْتُبُ هُوَ
She or It taktubu تكْتُبُ هيّ


English Pronoun Transcription Arabic Verb Arabic Pronoun
(No dual)
naktubu نكْتُبُ There is no
specific 1st
person dual form
"we two". Just use
the word for "we "
You two (masc. or
taktubaan تكْتُبان انتما
They (masc.) two yaktubaan يكْتُبان هما
They (fem.) two taktubaan يكْتُبان هما

NOTE: Dual forms of verbs are the same as the singular BUT with an ان (aan) added to the end. In the case of the second person dual, there is no distinction between masc. and fem.

English Pronoun Transcription Arabic Verb Arabic Pronoun
We naktubu نكْتَبُ نحن
you (group masc.)
Any group with at
least one man is
taktubuuna تكْتَبونَ أنتم
you ( group fem.)
Any group of all
taktubnna تكْتَبُن أنتن
they (group
yaktubuuna يكْتَبونَ هم
they (group fem.) yaktubnna يكْتَبُن هن

NOTE: PLURAL MASC forms of verbs are the same as the singular BUT with an ون (uun) added to the end 
PLURAL FEM forms of verbs are the same as the singular BUT with an نّ (aan) added to the end

Arabic as foreign language


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